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Don & Coby Aldana

Don Aldana gave his life to Jesus in 1994. He attended local churches, bible studies and graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College in 1999.  Since then, he hosted home groups, men's groups, mission trips, and held roles of Men's Pastor, Associate Pastor, and Elder. He has recently graduated from Calvary Chapel Rosarito's Church Planting Course and has been ordained as the Senior Pastor of Refresh Church in Waddell.  His personal life experience has inspired him to lead a church that is as inviting and transparent as possible.  He wants to see people loved, transformed, equipped, built up and if the Lord calls, train up other church planters to go out from Refresh Church.

Coby Aldana grew up with the knowledge of Jesus. In her adult years she has grown a passion to love others and in so doing, share the love of Jesus. She has attended church, hosted Bible studies, and ladies' groups. She also helped launch several Bible studies and mission trips at the private Christian School where she was a Teacher and Administrator for the past 13 years. She looks forward to supporting her husband at Refresh Church as well as starting women's groups, a young women's discipleship program and after school child care for working parents.    




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